
* Move your mouse over the highlighted state and click to view result

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Adelanto School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post- test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79).
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report (PER) summarizes the Impact that our HighPoints Math Remediation Platform (utilized as Achieve HighPoints Program) had in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Adelanto School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula -Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction -Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers -Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis.

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

HighPoints Math's program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Adelanto School District, CA

More than 145 students from different schools of Adelanto School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Highpoints Math platform during the academic year 2014-15. The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The 'Stanford Assessment Test' is used to evaluate students' performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Adelanto School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 145 students out of which 37 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 30% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects-
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 +20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 30% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 38% improvement in their performance.
  • Students averaging over 5 hours online sessions showed an average of 14% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 95 to 83 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 24 to 29 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Alvord School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79).
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-4 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report (PER) summarizes the Impact that our HighPoints Math Remediation Platform (utilized as Achieve HighPoints Program) had in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Alvord School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

HighPoints Math's program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in the schools of Alvord School District, CA

More than 21 students from different schools of Alvord School District, CA, grades 2-4 attended online tutoring sessions with the Highpoints Math platform during the academic year 2014-15. The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The HighPoints Assessment Test' is used to evaluate students' performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Alvord School District, CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 21 students out of which 6 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects–
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 +20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 30% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 38% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students averaging over 5 hours online sessions showed an average of 14% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 16 to 13 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 4 to 6 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Anaheim City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-6 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report (PER) summarizes the Impact that our HighPoints Math Remediation Platform (utilized as Achieve HighPoints Program) had in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Anaheim City School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

HighPoints Math's program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in the schools of Anaheim City School District, CA

More than 79 students from different schools of Anaheim City School District, CA, grades 2-6 attended online tutoring sessions with the Highpoints Math platform during the academic year 2014-15. The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The HighPoints Assessment Test' is used to evaluate students' performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Anaheim City School District, CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 79 students out of which 15 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 5% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects-
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 +20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 12% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average 45% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students averaging over 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 15% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report–Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 61 to 45 students –reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 14 to 16 students–reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Apple Valley Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report (PER) summarizes the Impact that our HighPoints Math Remediation Platform (utilized as Achieve HighPoints Program) had in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Apple Valley Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

HighPoints Math's program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in the schools of Apple Valley Unified School District, CA

About 344 students from different schools of Apple Valley Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Highpoints Math platform during the academic year 2014-15. The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The HighPoints Assessment Test' is used to evaluate students' performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Apple Valley Unified School District, CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 344 students out of which 182 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 12% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects-
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 12% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 9% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students averaging over 5 hours online sessions showed an average of 14% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 236 to 187 students-reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 52 to 72 students-reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels-these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Cajon Valley School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report (PER) summarizes the Impact that our HighPoints Math Remediation Platform (utilized as Achieve HighPoints Program) had in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Cajon Valley School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

HighPoints Math's program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Cajon Valley School District, CA

207 students from different schools of Cajon Valley School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Highpoints Math platform during the academic year 2014-15. The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The HighPoints Assessment Test' is used to evaluate students' performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Cajon Valley School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from from 207 students out of which 141 students attended at least 10 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent tutoring. The key observations from the relationship reflects-
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students averaging over 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 141 to 110 students - reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Strong Level (80-89) went from 22 to 45 students-reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Basic and Advanced levels-these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Antioch School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 15% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-11 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report (PER) summarizes the Impact that our HighPoints Math Remediation Platform (utilized as Achieve HighPoints Program) had in the Academic Year 2014-15 in Antioch School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

HighPoints Math's program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Antioch School District, CA

108 students from different schools of Antioch School District, CA, grades 2-11 attended online tutoring sessions with the Highpoints Math platform during the academic year 2014-15. The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The HighPoints Assessment Test' is used to evaluate students' performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Antioch School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from from 108 students out of which 65 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 9% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent tutoring. The key observations from the relationship reflects-
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 20% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 9% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 81 to 61 students - reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 18 to 23 students-reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels-these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Arvin Union School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Arvin Union School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Arvin Union School District, CA

More than 39 students from different schools of Arvin Union School District, CA, grades 2 - 8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The 'Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Arvin Union School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 39 students out of which 17 students attended atleast 20 hrs online sessions, These students showed an average 7 % improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 Hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 Hours online sessions showed an average of 10% improvement in their post test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 28 to 20 students - reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 7 to 8 students-reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels-these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Victor Valley School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Victor Valley School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Victor Valley School District, CA

More than 251 students from different schools of Victor Valley School District, CA, grades 2 - 12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The 'Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Victor Valley School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 251 students out of which 32 students attended at least 15 hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 3% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 212 to 177 students - reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 19 to 34 students-reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels-these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Bakersfield City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 12% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Bakersfield City School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Bakersfield City School District, CA

More than 148 students from different schools of Bakersfield City School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The 'Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Bakersfield City School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 148 students out of which 79 students attended atleast 15 hours online sessions, these students showed average 27% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 14% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 27% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 114 to 100 students - reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 18 to 19 students-reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels-these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Hueneme School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Hueneme School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Hueneme School District, CA

More than 61 students from different schools of Hueneme School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Hueneme School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 61 students out of which 46 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 4% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 7% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 10% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 51 to 42 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 5 to 9 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Kern High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 9-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Kern High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Kern High School District, CA

More than 291 students from different schools of Kern High School District, CA, grades 9-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Kern High School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 291 students out of which 32 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 242 to 198 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 25 to 52 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Lake Elsinore Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Lake Elsinore Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Lake Elsinore Unified School District, CA

More than 48 students from different schools of Lake Elsinore Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Lake Elsinore Unified School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 48 students out of which 42 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 3% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 3% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 34 to 24 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 7 to 11 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Grossmont Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Grossmont Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Grossmont Union High School District, CA

More than 195 students from different schools of Grossmont Union High School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Grossmont Union High SD-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-4 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 195 students out of which 164 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 7% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 7% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 175 to 163 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 11 to 17 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Merced City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Merced City School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Merced City School District, CA

More than 83 students from different schools of Merced City School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Merced City School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 83 students out of which 29 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 5% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 1% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 58 to 46 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 14 to 16 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Modesto City Elementary School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 15% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Modesto City Elementary School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Modesto City Elementary School District, CA

More than 35 students from different schools of Modesto City Elementary School, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Modesto City Elementary School-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 35 students out of which 13 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an avarage of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 28 to 23 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 4 to 4 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Moreno Valley Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Moreno Valley Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Moreno Valley Unified School District, CA

More than 113 students from different schools of Moreno Valley Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Moreno Valley Unified SD-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 113 students out of which 29 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 4% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 2% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 64 to 49 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 25 to 30 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Paramount Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Paramount Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Paramount Unified School District, CA

More than 150 students from different schools of Paramount Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Paramount Unified School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 150 students out of which 143 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 4% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 128 to 115 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 13 to 22 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Perris Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 5-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Perris Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Perris Union High School District, CA

More than 51 students from different schools of Perris Union High School District, CA, grades 5-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Perris Union High School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 51 students out of which 48 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 41 to 41 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 7 to 1 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Ventura Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Ventura Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Ventura Unified School District, CA

More than 46 students from different schools of Ventura Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Ventura Unified School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 46 students out of which 10 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 33 to 28 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 3 to 5 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
West Contra Costa Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in West Contra Costa Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in West Contra Costa Unified School District, CA

More than 45 students from different schools of West Contra Costa Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, West Contra Costa Unified SD-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-11
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 45 students out of which 13 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 11% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 36 to 22 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 7 to 9 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
Southern Kern District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-5 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in Southern Kern District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Southern Kern District, CA

More than 48 students from different schools of Southern Kern District, CA, grades 2-5 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Southern Kern District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 48 students out of which 9 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 9% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 23 to 12 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 15 to 11 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
San Bernardino City Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in San Bernardino City Unified School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in San Bernardino City Unified School District, CA

More than 34 students from different schools of San Bernardino City Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, San Bernardino City Unified SD-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 34 students out of which 9 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 5% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 25 to 21 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 4 to 5 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2014-15
San Jacinto Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2014-15 in San Jacinto Unified School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in San Jacinto Unified School District, CA

More than 20 students from different schools of San Jacinto Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2014-15.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, San Jacinto Unified School District-CA
2014-15 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 20 students out of which 4 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 5% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 14 to 13 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 3 to 5 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Bakersfield City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Bakersfield City School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Bakersfield City School District, CA

More than 179 students from different schools of Bakersfield City School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Bakersfield City School District-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 179 students out of which 95 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 142 to 116 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 17 to 23 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Apple Valley Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Apple Valley Unified School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Apple Valley Unified School District, CA

More than 40 students from different schools of Apple Valley Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Apple Valley Unified School District-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 40 students out of which 11 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 20 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 28 to 24 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 4 to 4 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Chaffey Joint Union High School District,, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 8-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Chaffey Joint Union High School District,, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Chaffey Joint Union High School District, CA

More than 38 students from different schools of Chaffey Joint Union High School District, CA, grades 8-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Chaffey Joint Union High SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 38 students out of which 6 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 3% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 30 to 25 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 4 to 5 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Desert Sands Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Desert Sands Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Desert Sands Unified School District, CA

More than 40 students from different schools of Desert Sands Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Desert Sands Unified School District-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 40 students out of which 14 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 14% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 14% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 3% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 33 to 26 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 5 to 4 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Grossmont Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 8-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Grossmont Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Grossmont Union High School District, CA

More than 102 students from different schools of Grossmont Union High School District, CA, grades 8-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Grossmont Union High SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 102 students out of which 36 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 5% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 86 to 81 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 8 to 10 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Hueneme Elementary School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Hueneme Elementary School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Hueneme Elementary School District, CA

More than 52 students from different schools of Hueneme Elementary School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Hueneme Elementary SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 52 students out of which 30 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 3% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 30 to 19 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 6 to 8 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Kern High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 8-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Kern High School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Kern High School District,, CA

More than 106 students from different schools of Kern High School District, CA, grades 8-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Kern High School District,-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 106 students out of which 30 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 90 to 82 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 12 to 13 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Merced City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Merced City School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Merced City School District, CA

More than 61 students from different schools of Merced City School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance
Program Effectiveness Report, Merced City School District-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 61 students out of which 27 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 47 to 35 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 5 to 11 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Moreno valley Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Moreno valley Unified School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Moreno valley Unified School District,, CA

More than 26 students from different schools of Moreno valley Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Moreno valley Unified SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-10
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 26 students out of which 8 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 4% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 11 to 7 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 2 to 3 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Paramount Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Paramount Unified School District, in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Paramount Unified School District, CA

More than 47 students from different schools of Paramount Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Paramount Unified School District-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 47 students out of which 7 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 12% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 12% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 42 to 35 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 2 to 5 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Richland School District,, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Richland School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Richland School District, CA

More than 55 students from different schools of Richland School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Richland School District-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 55 students out of which 20 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 4% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 30 to 24 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 9 to 12 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
San Bernardino City Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in San Bernardino City Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in San Bernardino City Unified SD, CA

More than 28 students from different schools of San Bernardino City Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, San Bernardino City Unified SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 28 students out of which 19 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 4% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 19 to 14 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 5 to 7 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Santa Paula Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Santa Paula Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Santa Paula Unified SD, CA

More than 55 students from different schools of Santa Paula Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Santa Paula Unified SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 55 students out of which 19 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 41 to 34 studen3ts – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 8 to 8 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Stockton Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Stockton Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Stockton Unified SD, CA

More than 65 students from different schools of Stockton Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Stockton Unified SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-11
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 65 students out of which 24 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 50 to 41 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 5 to 6 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2015-16
Victor Valley Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2015-16 in Victor Valley Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Victor Valley Union High SD, CA

More than 168 students from different schools of Victor Valley Union High School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2015-16.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Victor Valley Union High SD-CA
2015-16 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 168 students out of which 35 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 120 to 110 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 15 to 20 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Alvord Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Alvord Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Alvord Unified School District, CA

More than 68 students from different schools of Alvord Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Alvord Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 68 students out of which 14 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 37 to 30 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 13 to 17 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Antioch Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Antioch Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Antioch Unified School District, CA

More than 52 students from different schools of Antioch Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Antioch Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 52 students out of which 14 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 26 to 20 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 9 to 11 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Apple Valley Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 15% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Apple Valley Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Apple Valley Unified School District, CA

More than 438 students from different schools of Apple Valley Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Apple Valley Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 438 students out of which 294 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 12% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 10 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 140 to 115 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 77 to 90 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Arvin Union School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Arvin Union School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Arvin Union School District, CA

More than 57 students from different schools of Arvin Union School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Arvin Union School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 57 students out of which 16 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 16 to 10 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 14 to 15 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Bakersfield City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Bakersfield City School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Bakersfield City School District, CA

More than 253 students from different schools of Bakersfield City School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Bakersfield City School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 253 students out of which 109 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 10% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 10% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 129 to 100 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 52 to 61 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Barstow Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Barstow Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Barstow Unified School District, CA

More than 38 students from different schools of Barstow Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Barstow Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 38 students out of which 14 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 18 to 10 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 4 to 8 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Beaumont Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Beaumont Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Beaumont Unified School District, CA

More than 60 students from different schools of Beaumont Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Beaumont Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 60 students out of which 23 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 7% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 7% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 20 to 10 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 12 to 14 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Cajon Valley Union School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Cajon Valley Union School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Cajon Valley Union School District, CA

More than 113 students from different schools of Cajon Valley Union School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Cajon Valley Union SD-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 113 students out of which 16 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 50 to 30 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 28 to 35 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Chaffey Joint Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 8-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Chaffey Joint Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Chaffey Joint Union High School District, CA

More than 62 students from different schools of Chaffey Joint Union High School District, CA, grades 8-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Chaffey Joint Union High SD-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 62 students out of which 9 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 40 to 25 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 9 to 13 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Dinuba Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Dinuba Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Dinuba Unified School District, CA

More than 21 students from different schools of Dinuba Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Dinuba Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 21 students out of which 9 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 9 to 2 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 6 to 8 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Grossmont Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 8-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Grossmont Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Grossmont Union High School District, CA

More than 271 students from different schools of Grossmont Union High School District, CA, grades 8-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Grossmont Union High SD-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 271 students out of which 51 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 218 to 160 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 25 to 40 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Kern High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Kern High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Kern High School District, CA

More than 573 students from different schools of Kern High School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Kern High School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 573 students out of which 89 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 345 to 250 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 104 to 120 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Mendota Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Mendota Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Mendota Unified School District, CA

More than 41 students from different schools of Mendota Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Mendota Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 41 students out of which 31 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 12% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 12% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 26 to 15 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 7 to 9 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Lindsay Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Lindsay Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Lindsay Unified School District, CA

More than 53 students from different schools of Lindsay Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Lindsay Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 53 students out of which 15 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 10% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 10% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 14 to 7 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 9 to 11 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Lynwood Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Lynwood Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Lynwood Unified School District, CA

More than 141 students from different schools of Lynwood Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Lynwood Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 141 students out of which 24 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 5% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 77 to 50 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 25 to 31 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Modesto City Elementary School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Modesto City Elementary School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Modesto City Elementary School District, CA

More than 40 students from different schools of Modesto City Elementary School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Modesto City Elementary SD-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 40 students out of which 14 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 21 to 10 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 5 to 7 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Paramount Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Paramount Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Paramount Unified School District, CA

More than 178 students from different schools of Paramount Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Paramount Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 178 students out of which 155 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 71 to 50 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 31 to 40 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Perris Union High School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Perris Union High School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Perris Union High School District, CA

More than 78 students from different schools of Perris Union High School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Perris Union High School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 78 students out of which 20 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 6% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 45 to 25 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 8 to 16 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Anaheim City School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Anaheim City School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Anaheim city School District, CA

More than 71 students from different schools of Anaheim City School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Anaheim City School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 71 students out of which 53 students attended at least 15 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 8% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 38 to 24 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 16 to 18 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Stockton Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-12 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Stockton Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Stockton Unified School District, CA

More than 111 students from different schools of Stockton Unified School District, CA, grades 2-12 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Stockton Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8 Grade-9 Grade-10 Grade-11 Grade-12
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 111 students out of which 71 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 9% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 9% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 81 to 60 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 8 to 10 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Ventura Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Ventura Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Ventura Unified School District, CA

More than 55 students from different schools of Ventura Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Ventura Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 55 students out of which 36 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 9% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 8% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 4% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 20 to 10 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 14 to 15 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)

Program Effectiveness Report, 2013-14
Visalia Unified School District, CA

average improvement from Pre- test to Post-test
students achieved 20% improvement.
students transitioned from Below Basic (0-69) to Basic (70-79)
Core State Standards & Curriculum based results with minimal support
a broad range of students grade 2-8 need improvement in math


This Program Effectiveness Report summarizes the key data that our Achieve HighPoints Program used as After-School Program (SES) had in the 2013-14 in Visalia Unified School District in the State of California.

Synopsis of HighPoints Program:

HighPoints Program is interwoven with three critical aspects of Math Teaching essential for the Academic Growth to the students.
  • 1. Mathematics Curricula - Adhering to Common Core standards and State Curriculum Standards
  • 2. Computer-Assisted Instruction - Complimenting and Helping in enhancing Classroom Teaching
  • 3. Progress Trackers - Appraisal of the Progress to Teachers, Parents on Real Time Basis

Key Features of the Program:

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) is developed Dynamically as per the Math Skill of each Individual Student Diagnosed in our in house Pre-Test built in line with Grade Specifications and State Content Standards.
  • Each Instructional Session comprises of 4 Sub Sessions which are planned progressively and helps the students to practice the Math Concept taught in the session.
  • Dynamic Math Knowledge Gaps are identified for each Instructional Session and the subsequent Prerequisites are administered to the students to bridge the gap effectively.
  • Virtual Coaches encourage the students in understanding the concepts as and when need arises.

Program Attendance Analysis

Focus on the Attendance of the students on the program. The more the student invests quality time on the program the More increase in the Performance of the student. Practice pays dividend is observed.

Program Effectiveness Analysis

Focus on the Improvement in the Scores in the Primary Student Progress Measuring Tools. Student Math Concept Skills Growth are Analyzed.

High Impact Educational Solutions

Achieve HighPoints program is an internet based online program which can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere, is cost effective, and can be used in a variety of ways. This program affords schools the flexibility to utilize it in the way that works best for them and based on their specific needs which are often addressed with customized test focused platforms. One school may choose to use it only in the computer lab during regularly scheduled classes, while another way use it in the lab; before and after school; during unscheduled class periods and lunch; in the library; and in individual classrooms. Students always have access to the platform beyond school hours and weekends. New enhancements and releases are always introduced that make the product more attractive based on input directly from teachers and schools.

Impact of the Program in Visalia Unified School District, CA

More than 83 students from different schools of Visalia Unified School District, CA, grades 2-8 attended online tutoring sessions with the Achieve Highpoints platform during the academic year 2013-14.The students reflected improvement in their scores from pre-test to post-test can be considered significant improvement. The ‘Stanford Assessment Test’ is used to evaluate students’ performance.
Program Effectiveness Report, Visalia Unified School District-CA
2013-14 School Year
  • Avg Pre-Test (%)
  • Avg Post-Test (%)
  • Avg Improvement
Grade-2 Grade-3 Grade-4 Grade-5 Grade-6 Grade-7 Grade-8
Figure 1.0, Graph reflecting Score Improvements (Pre-test to Post-test results). The above graph indicates only the grades in which the students are enrolled.

Improved Performance

To achieve desired academic growth students must attend their customized online sessions. The data obtained from 83 students out of which 19 students attended at least 20 Hours Online sessions, These students showed average 12% improvement in Post-test.
Figure 2.0 establishes the co-relationship between the performance and average time spent on Online sessions. The key observations from the relationship reflects
  • Avg tutoring time
  • Variation in proficiency levels
Figure 2.0 + 15 hour average tutoring time showed improvement in proficiency levels
  • Students completing an average of 20 hours online sessions showed an average of 12% improvement in their post-test performance.
  • Students completing an average of 15 hours online sessions showed an average of 6% improvement in their post-test performance.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

Figures 3.0 and 3.1 below both show the transition from lower proficiency to a higher proficiency which is the primary objective of the learning module.

Impact Report: Overall Change in Proficiency

  • Pre-test
  • Post-test
Below Basic Level (0-69)
Basic Level (70-79)
Strong Level (80-89)
Advanced (90-100)
Figure 3.0 above reflects the students transition in the proficiency levels as follows:
  • After program engagement, the total number of students who were Below Basic Level (0-69) went from 24 to 14 students – reflecting an overall drop in students who ended up at the Below Basic Level
  • Similarly, the total number of students who were at the Basic Level (70-79) went from 16 to 18 students – reflecting an overall improvement in students who ended up at the Basic Level from Below Basic Level, again positively trending up with another powerful improvement overall
  • The remaining data reflect students at the Strong and Advanced levels – these students reported improvement as well reflective of the additional math gains and acceleration that are possible by using the platform
Proficiency Level (PreTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)
Proficiency Level (PostTest)
  • Below Basic Level (0-69)
  • Basic Level (70-79)
  • Strong Level (80-89)
  • Advanced (90-100)